When different ideologies meet!

Lalitha Ragunath
3 min readJun 4, 2018


We think that we meet new people! Actually we meet new ideologies. Different people — Different ideology. So when we meet different people we encounter a new ideology.

But the question here is how many of us understand the difference in the ideology? Many things fail because of this difference in ideology. People are too much concious about themself and Thier needs and thoughts. They also seek someone with them to develop. But they are forgetting to understand that they are going to deal with a new mind! It’s too deep to understand a person’s mind. They have bought in different place, by different people, different Society. There might be few similarities but not everything is same as us.

We struggle with our own thoughts and when we join someone else to our own plan, we are adding one new direction to it. We plan with our partner, we talk all the possibilities to implement our thoughts, ideas. Two different ways will be opening to reach the destination. Sometimes it is also possible to change the destination. For few the destination becomes same and that is not because they both have same ideology. It is because of the respect they give to each other, the understanding that makes them to think about the future of their dream which was there in the starting.

There can also be some other way. They might not have same destination. They might not have same way to reach the destination. But they work together. How do they do it? What makes them to work together?

It’s the thought that they have for the betterment of the field they are in.

Ex: I met my friend somedays before for discussing about his plan for startup. He was talking about that to me from long. I know that is not my cup of tea as my ideology was not same like him and the path he choose was also different from mine. But still I made up my mind and went to discuss more about his plan.

As we discussed we got more idea and ways to do that plan. By the end everything was set and he was already into it.

The thing here is, am I really liking it? Am I really supporting it? We both differ from our plan and if I join hand with him will I be able to be with for long? If I leave him inbetween what will happen to his plans?

These were the questions in my mind. I also have answers for it. I am joining my hands to him but not as a partner or as a team member. I am just going to help in the early stage without letting my name coming out. As I be with him, I will also try to make him do the works I am doing. This will make him to sustain even if I am not there.

It’s not always that different ideologies break. We can also make them live like this. When people seek help, it’s not bad to give your hand to them. It might not be your cup of tea. But just helping them to develop will never harm you.

Give your hand to them!

Give your support to them!

It’s very rare that we get chance to work like that. It’s very rare that people think of doing something new. If we get to cross someone like that, we can help them to come up.

When different ideologies meet, they make new ideology! If it is processed well.



Lalitha Ragunath

Instead of thinking what we don't want, think of things we want. Power of our thoughts are stronger♥ believe in your thoughts. believe in your dream♥